Dear Queers

It was not enough that we were condemned into a life of silence and secrecy. You wanted us to feel ashamed and unnatural for our feelings. You used us for what you wanted, but you were at no fault. 

We were trash. 

We lived a life in the dark and in alleys and on street corners. 
We took our feelings and suppressed them. We were told we were wrong and not normal. There was something wrong with us. We were deviant. We were sick and had to seek treatment. 
We had to run from you, because you were afraid of us. 

We were not like you, so we were wrong. We could not dress or act like ourselves. We were seen as counter culture. We were not allowed to be individuals or we’d be seen as rogues and rebels. 
We were not allowed to love ourselves, let alone love someone else. You demonized us. You made us into monsters, murderers, and criminals, crazy people who would destroy families, institutions, and civilizations, just by being ourselves. 

In order to exist, you made us novelties. Some big joke to laugh at. We were not equal we were sidekicks. Our lives were stereotypes that you gave us. We were a part of some secret corner of life, because we could not be included in yours. We made our own culture and had our own lives because you did not want to see us or exist outside of your restrictions. We meant nothing to you and you were content to let us die when we were sick. 

You taught your children that we would hurt them and meant harm. We were seen as dirty and unclean and wanted to “recruit” others to live our disgusting and sinful lives. You were not content though, you turned social institutions against us. Religion, government, healthcare, and education saw us sinners, unequal, incurable, and dangerous. We were not protected under the same document as you, though we paid our taxes and our money was green. We were not protected from harm and you were often encouraged to hurt us, because we needed to be fixed and taught a lesson. 
We marched and we shouted, but we were pushed against a wall. 

We wanted to live our lives and love who we wanted like you, but we were denied. Somehow our actions would hurt you, so you took actions to hurt us. You wanted to keep us in this separated lifestyle away from you. You were jealous that somehow we could be as happy as you, but in a different way. It made you nervous that we were different. You made us hate ourselves because we could not be like you. 
You used forces to spread lies that we took away your freedoms and choices to live like you wanted while you took away our freedom and choice to live like we wanted. 

We have continuously shown you that we are just the same. We bleed when we have been beaten, we cry, we laugh, and we love. We want families like you, we want to pray alongside you, and we want to feel as though we are safe under the same principles as you. 

We have fought you and when we lost we seek to blame ourselves. We take small victories while we leave others unprotected and without justice. We have excluded those who have fought alongside us because we are not focused and united as we should be.

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The Baldwin-Wallace Food Price dibocal

First off let me say, I am neutral on this issue about the food prices at Baldwin-Wallace College. I know I over spend on some food items that I do not need..i.e domino’s, vending machine feasts, and those damn yummy cupcakes at the Cyber Cafe. That being said, I have a few choice words for both sides of this lil fight. To the B-W Food Justice Council, I feel your pain. I know it is impossible to eat three meals for $4 each. However, there are ways to conserve your “JE” money and still be a happy camper. This is an opinion, but I feel as though there are bigger issues and bigger injustices in the world than a private liberal arts college’s  food prices… in a recession. The fact is that world food prices have gone up. Everyone is paying more for food and just about everything else. Don’t believe me? Take a look:—futures-news/world-vulnerable-to-more-food-price-spikes-krugman-36679

and so on and so forth. There has recently been a sort of counter group to the B-W Food Justice Group called “B-W Food Service Discussion Forum”.  This forum is more open to discussion from both sides. However, both groups I believe are engaging in belittling and name calling. The existence of these groups are not solving the problem and I think there needs to be a discussion between both sides… in person, not via a facebook group. If anyone is interested I would be more than happy to set things up. So this brings me to my point. I have thought of a few ways to help everyone save money on their cards. Here they are:

1.   Less Domino’s and Pizza King. Try to limit your consumption of food from outside places such as Dominos and Pizza King. When you do buy food from these places split the bill with your buddies. Yes! You can split the cost. This does not make you cheap, we are broke college students, your friends know it and will understand.

2.  Less meat. This may be a little controversial. You do not have to eat meat 3 times a day, not even everyday. Those chicken sandwiches are $4 dollars, substituting it for a grilled cheese will save you some bucks.

3.Light breakfast or lunch. I know a lot of us do not eat breakfast or three meals a day, but if you do, you can certainly make on of these meals light. Maybe at breakfast have juice and a granola bar. Maybe at lunch have juice, fruit, and yogurt. I have found that eating heavily at lunch isn’t that great of an idea because you get an insulin rush and fall asleep in class.

4. Go to Buzzy’s.  At Buzzy’s you get a lot for your money. A good full meal that is slightly more healthier. 

5. Lang. Lang seems to sometimes have cheaper prices, better options, and friendlier service.

6. No vending machine meals. I sure many of us have forgone going to the Union and make a meal out of the vending machine snacks. These “snacks” add up. If you’d like a snack, maybe buy a box of snacks from Wal-Greens and Giant Eagle and then you’ll get more for your buck. Also, this saves you from having to leave your room at night. 

7. Eat the pasta. The Union has “all you can fit on your plate” pasta. I know no one wants to eat this all the time, but its an option.

8. Use Concentrated laundry soap and wear clothes more than once. The spending estimates do not take in account the money we spend on laundry. If you buy concentrated laundry soap, you can wash more of your clothes with less soap. This saves you out of pocket money also. In addition, it is entirely possible for one to get 2 or even 3 wears out of pants and shirts before they smell and you have to wash them. 

9. Use account money. If you have money on your student account put like $50, if you can, on your Jacket Express at the beginning of the year. If you do not use it… that’s fine, the money will be there waiting for you at the end of the semester.

10. Buy drinks from the fountain. It cost less money if you buy drinks from the fountain rather than bottles. I am guilty of this also. Bottled drinks are 1.25 while fountain drinks are… well I don’t know. OK skip this for now.. I’ll figure it out later. Also, drink canned pop … its cheaper. *UPDATE* The big fountain drinks are a dollar, so the smaller ones are less than a dollar. There you go.

11. Soup! Soup is feeling and its cheap.

12. Cookies instead of cakes. For dessert maybe eat a cookie instead of one of those pies or more expensive tasty treats.

13.  Free Food Events. Go to events like the International Student events or CAB to get free food.

14. Use cups for cereal. Instead of using those tiny bowls when getting cereal, use the paper cups.

15. Drink Tea. You pay for a tea bag. It’s a cheap drink.

16. Do not buy expensive bookstore items like Xboxes or Laptops in the beginning of the semester. Try to see what you have left over at the end then purchase these items.

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So for all of you who have wondered about how to attract or understand the opposite or same sex, all the while peeking your interest in astrology are in luck! Starksy and Cox have authored a book entitled ” Sextrology: Astrology for the Sex and Sexes”. Find your sexual match with the help and guidance of Starksy and Cox and the Stars. The book explores the sexual quirks, fantasies, and personalities of each zodiac sign. Find out how each signs’ perspective on sex and relationships. The book also explores all possible zodiac couplings including gay and lesbian relationships. You can find out more about this delightfully naughty book on their website: So all I have left to say is: “what’s your sign?”

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Beauty Survey

Ok here’s the questions to my beauty survey. I’ll will calculate the results and post them on my blog. If you think there should be more questions add them. Here we go:

The Beauty Survey
1. Favorite ChapStick or lip gloss and why?
2. Favorite lipstick and why?
3. Favorite foundation and why?
4. Favorite blush or bronzer and why?
5. Favorite exfoliater and why?
6. Favorite cleanser or toner and why?
7. Favorite eye shadow and mascara and why?
8. Any other products worth checking out and why?
9. Personal beauty secret.

10. Favorite soap or bodywash and why?

11. Favorite lotion or moisturizer and why?

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The Body is not a prison!


This is not your body!

This is not your body!

Since it is the beginning of the new year, everyone has been making plans to change themselves for the better. We made resolutions to get in shape, study, get better grades, focus, renew, and everything else to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.

With all these promises to change, are we changing for ourselves? Have we gotten so far ahead and preoccupied with our “new” selves… that we’ve left our old selves in the dust? Do you feel like you are running towards a new you, but your old self is like a ball and chain thats attached to you and keeping you from reach the “new”? Are you possibly leaving in a daydream?

If you’ve said yes to any of the questions…then maybe its time to change your thinking. 

It is possible to head towards a new you and live happily with the old you in the mean time. You do not have to sacrifice happiness because you want to improve yourself. You do not have to deny yourself pleasures because you do not think you are worthy of them.

Here’s my reasoning: Let’s say you are a few pounds overweight, but you really want to buy these cool pair of jeans. You say, “I’ll wait until I lose weight”. What’s the point of waiting if you can fit into those jeans now? Why deny yourself the pleasure of wearing clothes that make you feel good or looking your best because of extra pounds? 

Have we started to punish ourselves because we are not at a our target weight or desired body type? Am I not worthy of nice looking clothes or dating someone because I’m overweight? Fuck NO! I deserve anything that someone who is smaller does. I deserve nice clothes, great boyfriends, great friends, fun adventures, and an overall awesome life… just like the rest of society. We all do. 

Its time to quit using your weight or how you look as an excuse not to be happy and enjoy life. If you want a tattoo… get it! That doesn’t include.. if your tattoo is incentive for you to reach a goal. However, if it is something that will make you happy… DO IT. You can be happy at any size. If you like to be naked? Go for it! Don’t let your small arms stop you. 

You are already self conscious about the way you look…. why would you make yourself less happy by not doing the things you love? If you feel a lil ugly…. why wouldn’t you dress yourself up? No matter what size you are.. you can look nice and dress nice. There are too many options for you to make excuses. 

So you think your skin is not smooth? or there is some other fault? What the fuck does that have to do with you dressing up? Going out? Being happy? Nothing! I am tired of the excuse that “oh I feel ugly, I’m going to stay in sweats all day and not care about myself”. Bullshit! It doesn’t make sense. If you are feeling bad…. you’re going to do things to make you feel even more bad? No! Do something to lift your spirits.

This brings me to another point. You think you are not worthy of nice things…. and nice people? So… your body isn’t want you’d like it to do. So What? Everyone you encounter is not deciding whether or not to be your friend b/c of the way you look. I am not proud to say this, but I have seen people… couples…. and I’ve wondered… wow… how did she land him or vice versa. The thing is there is someone out there for you. Whether it be a friend or something more… there is someone who would sooo into you. No matter what you think you look like. 

Let’s get this straight once and for all. You are not a knick knack. You are not here on this Earth to just be looked at and serve no other purpose. You are human…. you have substance. You’re not just meat. You are smart, funny, charming, nice, talented, or whatever trait you possess. Don’t ever let anyone or yourself tell you otherwise. You are worth more than just a glance. You are worth a conversation, a smile, friendship, love, and anything else you desire. 

So long story short, your body is not a prison. Just because it is not at its most desirable level does not mean you must punish yourself. That is some hell of an internal conflict. You want your body to look a certain way, but its not there yet…. so you punish yourself? Is there a law that says you cannot look nice and be happy because of the way you look? Are you some type of bad person because you do not look a certain way? No! Put in this perspective. I could say, I’m not dating until I lose 20lbs or I’m not going to the beach until I am buff… then I die tomorrow. I didn’t enjoy my life because I let my body image stop me. I let what I thought others think of me stop me from being happy. You only have one life to live… lol… and you have to live it. Not me or anyone else.

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My Gay Son

So I was cruising the internet for internships. I looked at Conde Nast for magazine internships and my attention was struck by a magazine named Cookie and yes I thought it was about cookies!  Its a magazine for cool, stylish moms (sigh). Anyhow I stumbled upon an article called “Gay Kids”. The article is about a mom who wants one of her sons to be gay. It is actually pretty cute and entertaining. Here’s the Link:

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